This is not love

sitting here in this white-tiled room

cup by my side

unpurchasable magazine in my lap.

Sitting, staring

waiting, wondering

mind wandering instead of getting down to the business at hand.

I am lonely

I am alone

this is not a loving way to initiate a new creative venture

this is not how art begins

nor beauty

nor anything valuable.

There is no love in this room

only technology

and clinical remove.

Nothing good can come from this stale

solitary act.

No love resides in this room

in this act

in this moment.

No nature

no music

just me

and my cup.

But for the love outside this room

still, I shall attempt�

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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