You whore you cunt you bitch.

You took everything from me.


You took joy

you took pleasure

you took my penis

you took my love.

You took you

and you took my ABILITY to love.

You stole it out from under me.

You did it.


But no.


You didn't steal it

you just took it out on loan

you borrowed my ability to be positive

to experience rapture, you slut.

You took it

- but you'll give it back

and soon!


Soon, I'll be back, and, and

and I WILL love again.

I will hold hands

touch backs

recognize the goodness in humanity again

and sometime soon!

Soon, I will be back

and you won't have stolen this thing from me

but merely have hidden it.

I'll find love again

I will lose this abiding hate

but not today, you cum-stained twat.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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