It proved so easy, you see

my beauty, my beloved

my Elizabeth.

I could accomplish everything I desired

all that I required was the will

the strength of purpose

the resolve

and it would be done.

It was simplicity itself, Elizabeth

to make all my dreams come true.

All but one, of course.

I don't know why I'm even talking to you.

You will never respond to my words,

I know,

but still I try

still I strive

to have you return to me.

Despite insurmountable obstacles

I have not yet given up.

Elizabeth, if you would only see

open your eyes to what I've done for you

the efforts I've made

to have you simply look upon me again

and smile.

If you only knew

- if you only let yourself, Elizabeth -

then the world would bow before my completed accomplishments

and we could be together always.

It will never be

but still I struggle.

Still I strive

to have you return to me.

I will never have you back

- not the way I want -

but I continue to work

to hope

to get you back.

And until I succeed, Elizabeth

I'll just fuck your corpse.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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