My mother was a player, a bad girl, a slut

but her father didn't know it

nor did my father

- or, the guy I call Dad.

God only knows who he is...

But she said she didn't know

how she got in the family way

she couldn't understand how it came to pass

through her hips

to become me.

The men, they accepted it

- for, hard as it was to believe

it was better than the alternative

- that my mother was loose

a slattern, a whore.

So I was born into a house

where I was praised for my birth

which I had nothing to do with.

I was called Jesus

and am, to this day.

I tell you all this

to explain how

my life has been charmed to date

and to prove to you

that I won't get you pregnant.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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