The frog, alone on his frond

sits silently in the pond

awaiting company.

He wonders, sullenly

if anyone will join him

or if he'll someday have to swim

away from all this

that he loves so.

Without a friend the frog

sits awaiting the coming of fog

or something else to give

his life a reason to live

because he's bored, you see

remaining alone, so lonely

with no one in the pond to go

and grant him freedom through a kiss.

It would not make this toad a prince

for he was born this way and since

no magic changes frogs to kings

or gives those amphibians wings

he will remain with greenish hue

solitary in his life in lieu

of sharing with any that

would join him with a webby toe.

This animal that sadly sits

isolated has the wits

to leave this place at any time

he has the will; he has the spine

but he lacks a destination

or a means of transportation

and so despite his fervent wish

the frog remains, will never go.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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