Am I bitter?

Am I angered?

Am I frustrated?

Of course I am.

And I have every right.

The world has been plotting against me

since its inception.

Long before I walked these fruited plains

it has been plain to me

that God has it in for me

seeking to keep a man down

because he is worried.

He is afraid of my eventual ascendancy

and he has been seeking to stop it

since before I was born.

I understand.

Were I threatened by a creature

of my light

my glory

I would stop at nothing to keep him down.

I, like the Creator

would make cops stop me for any offense

have women sneer at me

and watch boys push me aside.

I would ensure that every red light caught me in its clutches

and every promotion escaped my grasp.

I would do everything possible to keep me from satisfaction

from culmination

from domination.

And you may say I'm delusional

and so it might be

but I think not.

I think I know what the universe meant by installing me

as its potential potentate

and how scared your deity is

in the face of me.

I know.

I understand.

And I am bitter.

I am blue

and someday, I shall be high as the sky

and I shall rule.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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