I think the big reason

why I am queasy

about falling in love

with a whore like you

is that I don't trust it

don't know what you're really thinking

really looking for

really want.

You know

in ancient times

all actresses were prostitutes.

The words were the same.

After that

all actresses were men.

It's a fact.

Is that it?

Are you a man?

Is that what you are?

I don't know what you are

other than a whore.

You make me pay for everything

dinner, diamonds,


Hectoring, harping

hurting me in so many ways

for so many days

you are one of those specialty acts:

by making me pain

you make me pay.

And this makes me queasy


and reasonably upset

because I am sick of paying

for your pleasure

for your services

for the company of a whore like you

and I don't want to do it anymore

but I know it won't stop.

It can't.

For as much as I see

that I should never be

with a whore like you

I can only pray

that you stay

with a junkie like me.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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