I defy you to come up with a name

of an individual

who deserves this more than me.

Look at me.


and tell me I

am not the most worthy candidate

for this position.

I will have this job

I tell you

and I will have it today

and nothing you can do

will sway my mind

from this position.

No exposition

you can offer

will deter me

from what I seek.

This job is mine

and if you try to stop me


then I shall have to destroy you.

Do not stand in my way

lest woe befall you.

Do not seek to counter my will

else you be devastated by my wrath.

Do not do anything but accede to my wishes

unless you want to be living with the fishes.

Do what I tell you.

Vote for me.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com