Oh, my beloved

my lovely, my sweet

I watch you

I stare at you

as I have for so long

so many years.

I am aware

of so many of your changes

your divergences, your histories.

I have studied you

for such an expanse

have seen such change.

I am simply shocked

at what you have become.

You have matured.

You have flowered.

You have grown

- and grown

into a creature I'd not have imagined

at the first.

You have become something new

my sweet, my beloved

my beauty.

You have altered

and when I think of the changes

you have gone through

and see this state

you have arrived at

I can only weep.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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