In retrospect

if I had it all to do again

there would be changes


alterations in my personal history.

If I could go back

I'd do things differently.

I would have danced with you.

I would have told you the truth

about Alison and Alicia

and Esteban.

I would have cried as you asked me to;

often and earnestly

and I would have given the blood samples.

I would have sang loud

and clear

about others' betrayals

hoping it could save us

secure our future

if anything could.

I would have given up the baby.

just eradicate the issue

remove the kid from the equation.

If there was an opportunity

a way, to revisit our personal anthropology

to alter it

to affect our past

to effect our future,

I'd have done it

in a heartbeat.

I thought it should be said

just so you know.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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