In this chess game

we live

you are far ahead

you see the board

with a prescience

with a vision

that is staggering.


I can tell what you're going to say

but usually

you know what I think

how I'll react

and what I will remember

in the weeks to come.

You are so far ahead of me

with your queen and knights

all in place

while I am left alone

a pawn in a game

I barely understand

a game you play

so masterfully.

On this table of black and white

where you conquer me

with regularity

you are an absolute

omnipotent monarch.

You can take me whenever you wish.

In this chess game

we live

you are winning.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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