I was king of the Forest.


I was master of all I surveyed

- though I saw little,

what with all the trees in the way.

I was the lord of the land

with my tool-making skills

and my height

and my clever clever ways.

I was the head honcho of the hills.


I gave it all away

back then

for thirty silver pieces

for twenty-four measly bucks.

I sold out my dominion

for dollars.

I was dumb.

I had it all

and I gave it up

and for the stupidest of reasons

and now

I have nothing.

My former place of power

has been paved

and I can't see the forest

from the death of the trees.

I was king of the forest.


I am not even

director of this desert.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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