There is nothing here anymore

an empty expanse

a dusty ghost town

where no foot has trod

in months compounded

by loneliness


and a lack of electricity.

There is nothing left in this this place.

Where once

whores and drones

scurried about tasks

none understood

now there is silence

now there is death.

Not even ghosts haunt alleys

they have moved on.


from this once-bubbled pot

life could boil anew

return this

to a joyous

place of chaos.

Someday, this place gone south

could rise again.

Not today

and not tomorrow

but perhaps after

the salt has been sown

and these tearful trails

are further forgotten

than now,

perhaps then

this place will bear fruit

will hear life

will have meaning.

Perhaps someday.

Not today.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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