At the end of time

while stars freeze

and space contracts

and physics has been redefined

so that six inches has finally become THIS,

when everything's been said

and done

a million times

and our planet is past a distant memory

they (whoever they may be,

so far from now)

will speak of us

and what we felt

and what we did.

Our love will become myth

will be told as epic.

And the details may change

for who can say how history

will treat us?

But I know full well it will.

Something this strong

is for the ages.

Something this wild

is destined to be legend.

And whether, in the future,

our tale will be told

as fable, tragedy

or comedy...

well, that fate

rests surely

on what you say

to me, today.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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