These are the hands

I want always to hold

to keep combined with mine

packed in some bondage slave-trick

that keeps us together

for all time.

And it doesn't matter to me

which hand of yours I grasp

your left or right.

If I handle your right,

then I can pick things up for you

delivering to you

writing for you

serving you always.

And if it's your left I get,

well, you can work for me

and that ain't too bad, neither.

I don't mind the inconvenience

the awkwardness down the street

as we, conjoined

stumble to destinations.

I only want to share time and space

with you

palm in palm

traveling to the future

with no one else in mind

or hand.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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