Remember me - the way I was
not as what I became.
Recall me how I looked to you
when we met,
before you learned too much
before knowledge was power
and power corrupted
and you gained so much over me.

Speak well of me
- if it comes up.
Keep in mind that we started well.
I behaved wonderfully
at first.

In the later days - think of that
as someone else
someone smaller
someone diminished
someone who doesn't deserve you
someone who doesn't deserve even lip service.
A conspiracy of silence exists
about my later days
- or will, if you allow it.

Do not remember the me
who hurt you
or who tried.
Do not remember him.
Remember me.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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