Every day I feed my indecisive refrigerator

offering it what goods and services I can

before it expels what items it chooses.

Each day, I sacrifice to my wrathful refrigerator

presenting it delicious items that it judges worthy or not.

Some it maintains indefinitely

and some it spews back at me.

Most days, I give to my bulimic refrigerator

which takes in some produce

and regurgitates others back out to me

almost immediately.

Daily, I donate to my voracious refrigerator

which consumes and consumes and consumes

it�s wide gaping maw absorbing everything

allowing me to have some of it back

when it wills it.

I have no control.

It is my holy refrigerator

that is master of my domain.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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