A thousand mile journey

begins with a single step


and that step may be difficult

but it ain't shit

compared to the 665th mile.

Three weeks into your walk

as your steps get ragged

and the inclines become hills

and the hills mountains

and the mountains rivers

and your thousand miles

have somehow

become one point six

and entered into metric lands anyway

that first step

that difficult beginning

is laughably forgotten

as is your name

and your reason for voyaging in the first.

But it gets easier

even as your toes escape

and your blisters bleed

and your cramps gain personalities

and your back becomes

something that hates you

with every fiber of its meager being.

You're in the home stretch, there

at the six sixty fifth,

almost two thirds done.

So even if it hurts

even if it's hell

if harm is all you can imagine

keep it up.

You're almost done.

Better you than me.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com