Damn it.

Damn it all to the inferno.

She could have been mine.

She should have been mine.


she should�

Shit. Stop.

Balance. Breathe.

It's just - damn it!

I can't stop thinking about the possibilities

The permutations, the theoretical blowjobs

I might have received

had things only gone right.

She could have...

she would have...


All right.

Get it together.

Put the pieces in the box.

Fix the chain.

Align the brain. Become sane.

It's all right.

It wasn't meant to be.

Things you love should be set free -

What the fuck am I going on about?

This is a travesty of colossal proportions.

This is wrong, man.

She should have been mine.

Damn. Damn it.

If only she hadn't left with her boyfriend...

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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