Try as you might

you will never get me to love

your boyfriend as much

as I love you.

Whatever you do

it will just never happen.

And that's for the best, innit?

I don't think my body could handle

the fury and fire produced

when it considers you.

There is not enough room for another

no matter how much you love him.

And if I did care for him so much

what would happen

when you inevitably flee him

as will undoubtedly happen

- and soon?

Or, worse, if I did find love for him

how could you handle it

when I took him away from you?

It is the best, I think

that I only tolerate him

and await his imminent departure

from our lives

don't you think?

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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