Look, I know

you're right.

I agree.

There should never be a you and me.

We're too different

or too alike

or too similar in all the wrong ways

� whatever.

We're wrong for each other

as anything more than friends.

In that way, we're good,

but that's where it ends.

I admit it,

I was wrong to hope for

to ask for more

when there was nothing left in store for us.

You were right.

I was wrong.

Our unimaginable love

would be a crusty, wormy apple

filled with disgusting things we never anticipated

never desired.

It'd be mired in poisons and potions

we'd never dreamed of.

It would be stupid,

you are right.

It would be wrong

and yet, I long to taste

that bitter fruit.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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