You cannot hide from me forever, she said.

He thought, Yes, I can.

I can hide from you for weeks and hours and days

� not necessarily in that order.

I can hide the parts of me

that you seek

for very much longer.

I can be a wind

a whisper

a wide-open space

free of your influence

free of your activities

as long as is necessary.

I don't need to have you in my life

don't need to have you near me.

I can live without you

as I have so long

and as I will when you're gone.

I can hide from you forever, he said.

But he said, Oh yeah?

Yeah, she said.

Oh, he replied.

And that was that.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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