Damn you for doing this to me.

Goddamn you for leaving me in this sorry sorry state

wretched, wrecked

depressed, repressed, oppressed

my hair�s a mess

confess: you meant to do this all along, didn�t you?

Didn�t you?


You�ve left me cursed, crushed

craving your company

cast down down down into depths I�d never known

until now.

How did you do this to me?

Why? Was it to see me cry

glint of tears in my eye?

You know, I

used to think and write well

before you.

Damn it

and damn you!

You were supposed to be my salvation.

You were supposed to save me from my thoughts

my soul


You were going to fix it all

and you knew it.

You knew it whether

you ever admitted it

or we spoke of it

or wrote of it

or anything

you knew, damn you

you knew.

And now

your words are all I have left.

Your words

and their absence.

Your kisses

and their lack.


and now

not you.

Damn it.

Damn it to hell

and damn you

for sending me down here

where, clearly

you meant to leave me all along

and where I so richly belong.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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