OK, to begin with, it�s not my fault.

I don�t know how it happened, really

but I can tell you this without any equivocation

or debate

that I�m not responsible for what occurred

not entirely.


�How are you?

How you doing today?

Really, I want to know:

Is everything all right?

I just wonder, because you seem tense.

Do you need a foot rub?

Look, it wasn�t me.

It was the other guy.

I was minding my own business

and he comes up

telling me that he didn�t like what I was saying about his mother.

I don�t even KNOW his mother!

So I�m trying to explain to him it�s all a misunderstanding

when his friends�

and the blood�

and the�

but you should see the other guy.



No, I guess it doesn�t really explain what I�m doing

in your bedroom

naked, dripping

riffling through your underwear drawer.

But I was getting to that.

Just remember

it�s not my fault.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com