There are worse things

than this limbo we live through

more horrible fates than what we experience


in the middle of nowhere.

We could be dead

or know those who were

or be enslaved and enchained

in more obvious ways.

We could live hungrier

or poorer

or more smelly.

There are worse fates.

And, in a small way

that makes this torture.

Knowing that it's not so bad

that others suffer worse

and still, to be suffering.

Knowing you can't complain

in the face of

what we face

it's like Summer in Siberia

seeing things better

noticing subtle improvements

knowing they're not real

for there is no summer in Siberia

just as there is no suffering

for us to complain of.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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