I'm gonna grow my hair out

and you're gonna see some shit

some shit like you've never seen.

I'm gonna be beautiful, man

flowing and rolling down the road

a Mister Godiva of the 21st century

with all the girls and boys

staring at my beauty.

I'm gonna have bouncy

flowey, glowy hair

that all the world will treasure

for I shall share it with all.

And on some days

my beautiful long flowing locks

will be permed

frizzed and tightened into an inch

of their lucky lives

and I shall be a glorious living microphone

that everyone will focus on.

I shall be perfect.

I shall be delightful.

I shall grow my hair out

and the universe will appreciate me

as it never has before

for I will have arrived

and become who I was meant to be

when I grow my hair out.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com