I have a list

right here in my breast pocket

of all the things

I intend to do

before I die.

I will climb the stairs of the Chrysler Building

and I will scream out a cuss-word

on a National game show.

I shall cry before my girlfriend

and I shall drink 'til I puke.

I'm going to eat a snail - live

and will have sex with a cat.

A big one - that scratches!

I'm going to accomplish all the dreams

and expectations I have placed

into this list

these forty one items

will be my thousand points of light

and I see them clearly

as I envision a future

where all are behind me.

I shall do so much

before I accept the earth's wet embrace

not the least of which

is making you admit

just once

that you are wrong.

Which is why I expect full well

to live forever.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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