These old bones have some strength in them yet.

I am not so feeble

not so beaten

that I cannot come back

and fight another day.

And you may think

my cadeverous remains

are not long for the world

and that may be so

but it will not stop me

from blazing a path to pyrrhic victory

as necessary

against any who might fight.

And you may wonder why

even after all these years

I am so combative

so contentious

so cursed in my outlook.

And you may believe

that it is because I am so old

so infirm

so mentally unwell

that I seek to savage everyone around me

and perhaps it is so.

But it doesn't really matter.

The way I stave off death

the way I beat back my brethren's bereavement

the way that I live

that I thrive

is this will to war.

The only thing that saves me

- the only thing that might.

Is my righteous will to fight.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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