I cannot imagine why

you would accept this from me.

It�s small

with one stone

- a paltry, pathetic thing

that no self-respecting dame

would ever wear.

And there I go again!

Calling you broads dames.

I know how disrespectful that is

know how irksome it must be

just as I must be.

I can�t see how you could bear to be

in the company

of one such as me.

I beg you to forgive me

as I make this idiotic request of you

and hope that you consider it

in the manner it was offered:

as an errant hope

from an obsequious

embarrassed admirer

knowing full well

he is unworthy

of your treasures.

Still, he - I -

stand before you

hoping, praying

that you at least think of him well

as he skulks away


So what do you say?

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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