You work too hard

at things that don't matter.

You spend too much time

on that which won't count.

The hours your work

for your damned employer

make me want to barf

but I won't.

Your devotion to work

is an admirable trait

it's a thing about you

that I sort of respect.

But I have to admit

I'm jealous of your boss

he spends more time with you

than me, I expect.

Well of course he's with you

more than he is with me.

That's not what I meant

and don't think you thought that

don't try to distract me

get my mind off topic

I am not so simple

so much like a cat.

I know that you give

ninety percent at the office

and suspect that at home

you give, at best, ten.

And I pray for the time

when you someday retire

and can wonder

"When will that be? When?"

You work too hard

for dollars a day

you slave in the mines

for a job that you love.

I wish that I had

such devotion to bosses.

But I don't - there is only

one thing that I love

and I'd give all my time

and my soul and my money

if I could give everything else

to that one thing

which is why I started

this whole conversation

and why it is to you

these words that I sing.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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