When we met

when you first saw me

across that empty dance floor

attempting the moves

that I no longer strive to master

did you think it would come to this?

Did you imagine

even for a moment

as you glanced me

hoping to catch your eye

glaring at you with a sigh

doing nothing but try

try TRY to get your attention

did you suspect

we would be here


in just such a way?

When we finally met

at the Finklestein Affair

did it occur to you

we would know each other so long

so well

in so many different ways?

Did it cross your mind,

the court cases

and the swords crossed

and the crises created

and killed

sometimes in the same day?

Did you picture this particular future for us?

I did

which, perhaps,

could have tipped you off

as to what was to come.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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