Do not touch me.

Don't try to hold me

or reach me

or reach out to me.

I am distant from you

and will be

from now on.

I will scratch beneath your stroke

will bristle before your caress

I will scream

if you so much as look my way.

Consider me dead to you

as I have felt for some time.

There is nothing left for each other.

I am dry of emotion for you

free of gifts

of growth

of fertility of feeling for you.

It is over

we are done.

And the tears you may claim to shed

the wells of feeling you suddenly speak of

mean nothing

for I am deserted.

I am cracked hard

past caring what you say

what you want.

Don't try to hold me

to touch me

to be with me

in any capacity.

I have wrestled free

of your grip

and like a cactus

like a Texas turtle

I will never be in your hands again.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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