This is not the day to be cruel to me.

I am tired.

I am sensitive.

I need your kindness.

I need your help.

Sing me a song of joy and pleasure.

Tell me tale of fairies and sprites.

Read me a story of successful diets

or the blacks getting along with the whites.

I can't handle the misery

this day is bringing me.

And nothing - NOTHING -

is making it easier.

I need something to believe in

something to put faith in

something to get me through

until I have the momentum of my own.

Fill me with pleasure, share, please, your joy.

Explain to me things as if I were a boy

- or a girl - but be gentle to him - or to her.

It's been a bad day; make it tender.

Be kind. I would value your generosity of spirit.

I am having trouble.

I could use your help.

I seek something, today, to make it better.

I seek you.

Be like the sun, and shine down your glory

Drag me from this nadir - it cannot last long.

Tell me a satisfying mythical story.

Sing me a happy ecstatic song.

Free me from turmoil let me escape

I yearn to be free of this dark neighborhood.

No more thoughts of sadness and rape

Get me to think only things that are good.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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