My father looks down on me

in judgment

and asks me

when will I ever grow up

when will I buckle down

fly right

get a real job

and leave this concession stand

at the roller rink


It is a stupid question

I think

as he doesn't seem to understand

how I am a man

a mature adult

who has impregnated four different lasses

this year alone.

I have proven my manhood

over and over again

showing that I can do

what all responsible adults do

even while working part-time

even while dropping out of junior college

even while living with my family

I am creating my own


My father does not see

my accomplishments

for what they are.

He believes he has all the answers

as he works

and strives

and frowns

but he's just living his life in circles

while I

here at the roller rink

am doing the exact same thing.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com