Please try to understand:

While I do not want to live with you

it's nothing personal.

I don't want you here, it's true

but it's not because I hate you.

Rather, I should say

it's not because I hate only you.

I hate all of you

you people

the happy, the joyful

the free.

I loathe those of you who

smugly suppose you have a purpose

on this earth

who cry out your faith for all to hear

you whose egotism is pronounced

that you think you were made in God's image.

You? HA!

No, I want you out.

I want to see none of you ever again

the faithful

the strong

the free.

I wish you gone from my house

excised from my site.

I want you removed

you and everything you stand for


You are herewith evicted.

Nothing personal, though.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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