I used to love Beetle Bailey

- just love him!

The way he'd lazily try to get one over on Sarge

fat ol' mean ol' Sarge...

I would chuckle out loud.

I used to love Art Buchwald, too

and his funny opinions about things

I didn't understand.

He was so wise

and witty

and he punctured icons

I hadn't known existed.

Now, Beetle's old hat

and Art is almost dead

and I?

I have moved on to other things.

I have outgrown my old passions

my former icons.

Now, I believe in new things

and I fear


I may mature past them, too.

But whatever phases

I may go through

however much I age

I beg and pray that I shall

never to outgrow you.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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