Smug, you sit

thinking you've done well

you've chosen wisely

you have made the best

of a bad situation.

Through it all

you remain secure

joyful, proud.

I am better than him.

I am smarter.

I am funnier.

I have a better fate awaiting me.

I am better than him

and you made the wrong choice.

I am strong in ways you never could see

could still not imagine

so blinded are you

by the mistakes

you continue to make

day after day,

in and out,


I am better than him.

I am the short cut that would have worked.

You'd have reached your destination years ago

with me.

I am directed.

I am better than him

and you may not believe it

may not even be aware

in your ignorance

in your 'happiness'

of what you missed.

I am.

I am better than him.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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