I have a hate

full of bone and blisters

and bursting blood cells.

I have a hate

so filled with passion and power

as to defy

weak imaginations.

I hold this hate

in my hands

before you

to throw at you

splashing it

crashing upon

your foreign shores

Pollack-painting explosive

percussively possessive

of its own power.

I shall maintain my hate

carrying on, self-perpetuating

ever stronger, lasting longer

building and growing

sowing its own crop

of rage, compounded daily

my anger increases

and reaches new heights

blighting neighboring countries

that's how mighty my madness is.

I have a hate

that I own

and wield

and will have released, finally

only when I wish to

which, if history serves

will be in three minutes.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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