I tried to will my crippled fingers

around the pen

to force it to etch out

the words my paralyzed lips

could not speak.

I yearned to cry out

'Why - why momma -

why was I not all right?

Why was I doggedly hounded?

Why was I sent away?'

I wanted you to answer me

to love me

to take me on

and never return me.

I wanted to be chosen.

What was wrong with me?

You'd never answer the question

I could ask

from my mummified throat

my torn hands.

My blind eyes could never see

you turn away.

But still I wonder

'Why couldn't I stay?'

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com