In a thousand years

when this land has been swept clean

of the filth of man

and our monuments

are bombed out testimonials

of a forgotten age

When the irrevocable cloud coverage

has disappated

and the skies are blue again

When the earth groans,

and lifts the scabs of humanity

off its whipped face,

and a blessed new life

has replaced us

as kings of our former domain

When the place we own

becomes the planet of the apes

or elephants

or dolphins or mice,

when our eventual extinction occurs

When, for us,


and the world has reset

When our future has passed

and all is new again

and a thousand years have passed

but no one cares

for our calendars are long withered and ash

When a new era arises from ours

the grass will be totally out of control.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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