He stands before you

considering his next words

considering his first words.

Facing his attentive audience,

he is without expressions

all ideas have escaped his cranium

and hoping

and thinking

leaving him with nothing

and praying

and promising to study harder and prepare better

is useless.

He stands before you

silently swearing he

will not drink

will not exercise

will not inject chemical hallucinogens

or play hours of computer Solitaire

when he should be

memorizing lines

mastering phrasing

perfecting timing.

This would be so much better

he thinks

before the podium

before you

if he could simply recall his first line.

He will

any minute now.

He hopes to god he will.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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