If you shoot yourself, you'll wake the neighbors.

If you take pills, you're bound to shit yourself, leaving a mess for those that follow.

Hanging's the same, only somebody needs to take you down.

Jumping's all right, but that's one big stain you become

� and, what if you land on someone else?

Living is being part of a community.

Maybe you don't believe it,

or maybe you don't want to be,

and maybe you want escape your social contract with the others alive

but you can't debate that living is living with other people,

and dying, even by denying the deal,

by reneging on your obligations�

well, that's your last act in society.

So there's got to be an unobtrusive way to end it all

if end it you must.

Cement shoes off a short pier?

Good plan

unless you bloat and go gaseous

and land off of somebody's fishing pier.

That's bad mojo that nobody needs.

And what if there is a heaven

or reincarnation

or just some big toll taker up there.

What if there's consciousness?

What if there's a bigger contract waiting for you

after life?

Then, you'd just be breaking one deal to start another.

Which makes you think, maybe, that it's just not worth it.

At least

until tomorrow?

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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