I heard tell on late-night infomericals

of this brand-new hyper vacuum cleaner

that can do that which must be done.

After I set it up, it'll wipe up all traces of you

the dead skin cells

the random hairs shed

the books you left

And the perfume scents

and the dollar's cents

and the letters sent

and all the other nonsense

will all be washed and dried out of every crevice

every room.

Your fingerprints

will be shined off the glass

and the whispers of your voice removed from the phone

and the tomato juice spills in the kitchen?

And the conditioner streaks in the hall?

They'll all be finally be displaced

dropped out of this receptacle of memories.

And when the hyper-cleaner device has finished its work

done these deeds

when I'm sure there's no evidence of you or your actions

or our existence

in the entire establishment

when I have cleaned you off of every surface

I will place the nozzle to my head

and wipe out my memories of those crucial days.

I will wash my hands of you

cleansing my mind of you

which may well be the most stubborn stain of all.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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