If I die before you

I want you to do this one thing for me.

I want you to burn my body down

place the remains in the smallest container you can find

and go off on walkabout.

I want you to seek far and low

here and away

through every crevice and down each mountainside.

I want you searching, questing, striving to find

the places Gods meet.

I want you in Olympus

or Outgard

or Heliopolis

or Transylvania

wherever the supernatural sit

and I want you to plead my case.

I want you to beg for my return to life.

I want you to find my rejuvenation

introduce my reincarnation

develop my trans-temporal reintroduction.

I want you to bring me back by any means necessary.

Promise a thousand sacrifices

a million prayers

anything to return me.

Do anything.

Offer your life for my own

if that will sweeten the pot.

Would you do this?

Please? Just for me?

I'll never ask for anything again�

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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