Everybody's writing songs about independence,

freedom, creativity.

Everybody's telling everyone to 'be yourself

do what you want

to� just� be.'

I say 'bully' to that

and by 'bully,'


Not everyone was meant to be creative

not everyone is supposed to follow their muse.

Anyone who's ever been to an open mic can attest to that.

Not everyone should be themselves.

Anyone who's had a conversation can attest to THAT.

People ought not be free to explore.

If everyone explored,

who would drive the buses

wash the dishes

paint my car?

Who would GO to the shows that rightful artists like me present?

No, there must be a caste or proles

individuals unable to write a play

sing a song

assail with essays

or eat with gusto.

For there to be creators

we need our consumers.

It's better if people take their artistic impulses

their creative proclivities

their inspirational inclinations

and buried them deep

so deep inside

where no light can ever experience them

cultivate them

allow them to flourish and grow.

Ideas are seeds, see

and it is best if we squashed them,


2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com