I swore I would do good

swore to affirm life

to be heroic as I can

in the face of increasing obstinance.

I promised myself

and my god

to do right.

Which is why I was brave enough

drunk on my own piety

to enter that burning car

and save you

from yourself.

For I didn't know your history

your ways and means

didn't see the kind of person you were

or would become.

All I saw was justice to be done

a soul to be saved

an excuse to be good.

And now that I know what you are

who you are

what you'd done

and will happily do again

I am so so sorry

for my good deed.

I wish I'd let you die.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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