What I don't understand

- well, there are many things.

I don't understand how the price of tea in China

isn't impacted by most everything.

It's a huge buyer's and seller's market - the tea

and I would assume it would impact on everything...

but that's neither here nor there

(well, it's there, but... another time).

What I don't understand

is how you can think so little of yourself

how you claim insecurity

when it's so clear

from every beat of your heart

every step of your shoe

every breath we all intake

in your presence

how this is your planet

and we are merely renters.

Do you not see

that world circles and sways around you

weakened by your beauty

your charm

your force of will?

How can you not imagine

our eminent collapse

at your absence?

Don't you see

how vital you are

to us?

Can't you tell?

Well, I'm telling you!

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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