First Carthage, then Greece
then Gaul, and Great Britannica...
one after the other,
the enemies fell before our might.
All contestants were conquered,
each in their time.

Rome's omnipotence is all consuming,
Her hungers sated, her armies at rest,
for all opponents are obliterated.
We reign supreme
we are invulnerable.
We, whose eagles soar across the world,
we d'man, you see.
There is no one left to disagree.
We are all mighty.

If we want it, it is ours,
simply for the grabbing.
And now that we have taken the West
it's time to take the rest.
We shall expand eastward,
and absorb it.

For we are Rome
and what can THEY do
to defy us?

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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