I hate this place
with its beautiful weather,
its white clouds
and big sky
and a temperature you can rely on.

I hate the people
with their smiles and their kind words.
I hate how polite and sincere they seem...
you can't trust people like that.
You can't!

I hate how everything's changed
how the spirit of adventure
has taken me so far from everything familiar,
everything right.
I hate how different this new world is
how filled with opportunities it is,
opportunities I didn't seek
opportunities that seem, somehow,
so much less important
than they did
just days ago.

I hate this life I created
and I hate how one simple fix could change it all.
Come here, to me,
and join my hate.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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