I'm gonna improve

gonna become exactly what I was meant to be

accomplish all that destiny prescribes.

I will succeed

grow to unimagined degrees.

I shall become everything I should be

everything I could be

just as soon as I finish this beer.


As soon as this drink

- well, this six-pack -

is finished

I'm gonna go out

and stop procrastinating

and conquer a small nation.

It's gonna be hard work

but a domino effect is going to get me everything I desire.

I should play some dominos...


after I've finished my drinks

and my games

I'm gonna get some shit done.

I'm gonna buy supplies

roll up my sleeves

and I'm gonna start what must be started.

Nothing's gonna stop me

once I get my shirts back from the cleaner.

I have a vision

and I have a plan.

I am going to master this world

master myself

become the master of tomorrow


2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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